Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Beautiful Birds
Monday, December 21, 2009
Be Still
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Prelude to Winter
It's been nearly a month since the curtain closed on the spectacular performance of autumn here in the woods, and I knew it would only be a matter of time before frigid temperatures, long dark nights, and bitter winds appeared on the scene. One gets rather spoiled by the fall season and the colorful show of the leaves as they shower the mountains with extraordinary color. In comparison, winter often can seem drab and dreary, and I have to admit that it is my least favorite time of the year.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Shout with joy to the Lord, O earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and bless his name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.Psalm 100: 1-5
Another one of the blessings I'm thankful for is the wildlife I see on a daily basis here in the mountains. The two little deer in the photo above were drinking water in the creek by our house. I ran to get my camera. When I came back, they had made their way to the road in front of the house with their backs to me. I figured I had missed out on getting a picture of them, because they scare so easily. I opened the front door and said, "Hello, little deer." I was pleasantly surprised when, instead of running, they stopped and looked straight at me! Isn't God's creation beautiful?
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The Blessing of Autumn
Friday, October 2, 2009
Lessons From The Leaves
"The time of the falling leaves has come again...How beautifully the leaves grow old! How full of light and color are their last days!" ~John Burroughs
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The Old Quilt
The Old Quilt
I wonder whose fingers stitched such intricate strands,
did it belong to my mother, grandmother, or to someone else,
this treasure unearthed in the old farmhouse,
These old worn fabrics from days gone by,
cause me to ponder and wonder why…
this quilt was never finished, why it lies undone,
did the cares of life take over the fun,
was this lady like me with projects galore,
too numerous to finish, yet always starting one more,
Was her life fraught with problems that I also share,
like me, did she stitch to forget her cares,
did she quietly reflect upon God’s amazing grace,
as she guided her needle at a steady pace,
Was this quilt pieced together to cover a bed,
or for the couch was it supposed to be a spread,
perhaps it was intended for a brand new bride,
or to keep legs warm on a winter's carriage ride,
Did her hands grow tired and weary with age,
did health issues afflict her and take center stage,
Did her life on earth end while in the midst of the task,
so many questions I wish I could ask…
of this unknown lady of generations past.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
In Every Season
I find myself wishing this summer could be like previous summers when days spent with my daughter seemed so carefree! Days when we would jump in the car and go to the store together, laugh about everyday things, and look at the fall dance catalog deciding what new dance apparel to order for the upcoming dance year. Now all that seems to lie ahead is loneliness and an empty calender. I find myself praying daily for God’s direction. I keep asking, “What now, Lord?”
As always, God’s perfect word spoke to my heart at just the right time. I was reading scripture this morning and came to this verse about Anna the prophetess:
Anna, a prophet, was also there in the Temple. She was the daughter of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher, and she was very old. Her husband died when they had been married only seven years. Then she lived as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She never left the temple but stayed there day and night, worshiping God with fasting and prayer. Luke 2: 36-37
Here was a woman who had been a widow for a very long time. She didn’t allow the circumstances of her life to get her down. She gave her life over to serving God day and night. What a beautiful example for all of us women regardless of the season of life we find ourselves in! We need to praise and worship God, accepting each new season with a heart dedicated to Him. Our life isn’t over just because the last child leaves home or we find ourselves alone. God still has a plan and a purpose for our life. Like Anna, we too can worship God day and night by devoting our lives to His service and joyfully accepting the calling He has for us in every new season.
I pray as I embark on this new season of life that I will have a heart like Anna. A heart fully devoted to worshiping and serving the God I love; the God who sustained me through thirty-two years of motherhood; the God who was there with me as I held each new baby for the first time; the same God who gave me courage to face each sleepless night; the God who sustained my strength through each challenging day while raising toddlers and teenagers; the God who never once failed to provide the strength I needed to carry on.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Lessons From Nature
The sun peeking through my bedroom window lured me outside early this morning. I quickly got dressed, grabbed a bottle of water, and headed out the door. I made my way over to the pond and sat down on the pier overlooking the water. It was a perfect morning! A gentle breeze caressed my face as I inhaled deeply of the fresh mountain air. A woodpecker could be heard busily drilling away on a tree nearby. Crows seemed to be carrying on a noisy conversation in the distance. The reflection of the trees danced on the surface of the rippling water. The sky was a brilliant deep blue with just a few cotton-like clouds drifting across from time to time. Once again, I was amused by the lessons we learn just by observing the world around us.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Wedding Preparations

Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roaring of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: "Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." Revelation 19: 6-8
As my youngest daughter prepares for her wedding next month, I've been reminded of what great detail and planning goes into a wedding. Of course we had to find the most beautiful dress. The flowers for the bouquet have to be exactly right to match the dress. Great care is taken in selecting the music and decorations, and the excitement in the air is contagious. Nothing shines brighter than a young girls eyes when she talks about her fiance, and nothing compares to her excitement as the wedding day approaches. Being a hopeless romantic, I'm enjoying every minute of it! There is just something special about preparing for a wedding that makes the cares of everyday life seem to fade away. When the wedding date is weeks away, nearly everything you think about or do is centered around that much- anticipated event.
While preparing for my daughters wedding day, I've been thinking about what will be the greatest wedding celebration of all time; the day Christ, the bridegroom, comes for the church, his bride. We do not know when that day will come, but it certainly could happen at any time. It will be the ultimate wedding celebration! Scripture tells us to be ready, yet it seems as if few Christians today are even thinking about it.
We must get ready! When the bridegroom arrives for the wedding, what will he find us doing? Will he find us well-prepared and longing for his arrival or will he find us caught up in selfish pursuits scarcely thinking about him at all? Are we beautifully dressed spiritually or is our wedding gown stained with pride, selfishness, and ungratefulness? Can others see the love sparkling in our eyes when we talk about our bridegroom? Are we exuding excitement that is contagious? Are we so focused on our heavenly wedding that our earthly cares and worries just seem to fade away?
Just as my daughter's special day draws near, our heavenly wedding celebration draws nearer and nearer with each passing day. What a glorious day it will be! I want my bridegroom to find me prepared when he arrives. I want to be beautifully dressed in my finest spiritual attire, eyes sparkling with love for him, and my heart longing with anticipation to see his face. I want my excitement to be contagious. It could happen at any moment. It's time for the bride to get ready!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Like the Feet of a Deer

Being a lover of the outdoors and nature, I'm always thrilled when I read scripture. The Bible is rich with details about God's beautiful creation, and it's always exciting to dig deeper into the verses and reflect on them. In Habakkuk 3: 19 we are reminded that God makes our feet like the feet of a deer and enables us to go on the heights. When studying this passage, I learned that the deer referred to here is a female red deer called a hind. This deer is very surefooted. It's hind feet land precisely in the same spot where the front feet stepped. It can run across rocky mountainous terrain with gracefulness and agility. Its powerful legs allow it to ascend steep hills with ease and leap over obstacles in the way. It's able to run securely and not get off track.
Way too often we settle for the lower ground rather than the heights. Our legs and feet feel weak and weary. We become complacent in our spiritual walk, allowing the cares of life to creep in and lure us away to the land of mediocrity. We forget that we have the feet of a deer! We forget that God intended for us to have an abundant life brimming with His blessings! Rather than being surefooted, we stumble along on the pathway of life just going through the motions of daily living.
God has so much more for us than mediocrity and just going through the motions of life. If we have accepted Him as our Lord and Savior, we have everything we need to be surefooted. He is our strength. He enables us to leap across life's obstacles. He refreshes our weary souls and gives us rest. He fills us with peace in the midst of difficulties. Our hearts overflow with joy in His presence.
Are you ready to ascend to the high places? Then inhale deeply and breathe in the pristine air. Stop and smell the wildflowers on the journey. Bask in the beauty of nature. Life on the heights is breathtaking!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A Writers Prayer
A Writers Prayer
Lord, I praise you and thank you for blessing me with the gift of writing. I know that in my own strength I can do nothing, but with you all things are possible. It is only by your grace that I am your child, and only by your grace that my writing will ever be used for your glory.
Lord, help me never to forget that I need to make time to sit at your feet daily. At your feet and in your presence is where I will find the greatest inspiration for writing. There is no substitute for studying your word and seeking your truth. While books on writing, writing courses, and classes can be helpful, nothing will ever compare to the time I spend alone with you. In the midst of daily distractions and busy seasons of life, teach me to be still and know you. Only when I spend time in your presence will others be able to see your reflection shining through the words I write.
I pray I will never forget that the ability to write is a gift to be used for your glory, not my own. It is not for the purpose of seeing my name on the cover of a book or listed in a magazine, but for the purpose of seeing you lifted up, exalted, and glorified. Help me never to become prideful or draw attention to myself. I pray that through my writing others will be drawn to you and desire to know you.
Help me to overcome my fears and doubts and to step out of my comfort zone. Remind me that I have nothing to fear and that you already know the plans and the purpose you have for the words I write. I simply need to trust in you, step out in faith, and write. Help me to use this gift of writing wisely. Remind me not to put it off until tomorrow, for I am not guaranteed how long I have here on this earth to do your work.
Help me to take seriously the stewardship of this gift you have entrusted into my care. Remind me that being a writer is a calling and a ministry, and that I need to pursue my calling with diligence. Lord, help me to by your faithful servant; then when my life here on this earth is over and I am welcomed into your presence, I will hear you say, "Well done, good and faithful servant!."
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Little Foxes

One morning, when I woke up, I decided to open my Bible rather than turning on the Today Show. Song of Solomon 2: 15 stood out to me.
Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes.
While Song of Solomon was written about a love relationship between a bride and her bridegroom, it is also often thought to represent the relationship between the church (the bride) and Christ (the bridegroom). John 15: 4-5 says:
Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in Him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
It soon became clear to me that I had allowed some little foxes to spoil my connection to the Vine! I had allowed TV to nibble away at my time rather than seeking wisdom and direction from the word of God. No wonder I was feeling so discouraged! Rather than producing spiritual fruit, I was producing the worldly fruits of complaining and whining about everything. While the programs I was watching each day were not bad programs, they nonetheless had consumed my life to the point where I was not taking the time to nurture my relationship with God. I was engrossed in all the cooking shows and learning about preparing gourmet meals while spiritually I was starving to death.
The very first day I opened my Bible rather then reaching for the TV remote, I felt such a difference in my attitude. I was renewed spiritually by the power of God's word, as my thirsty spirit drank deeply of the beautiful message of God's love and mercy. I began to see life in a positive way again rather then dwelling on the negative. I was made aware of how quickly the little foxes can come in without us realizing they are there and destroy our relationship to the Vine.
Little foxes come in many shapes and sizes; excessive TV watching, continual cell phone usage and texting, too much computer time, the desire for material things, busyness, being involved in too many activities, job stress, worry, fear, relationship issues, and a multitude of other everyday things. When we feel distant from God and spiritually weak, it's not because God has moved, it's because we have allowed other things to crowd God out of our life.
One way to see where you are spiritually is to do a fruit inspection. What evidence of spiritual fruit can you see in your life? Galations 5: 22-23 says the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. If we aren't seeing these fruits in our daily lives, chances are there are some little foxes nibbling away at our relationship to the Vine. Beware of those little foxes!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Aren't They Cute?
I miss being able to walk by the pond or take a stroll through the woods. After having major surgery this month I've been confined to the house, and it hasn't been easy staying inside with signs of Spring popping up everywhere. Each day I wondered if mother goose was still sitting on her eggs, and I would often send my daughter, Heidi, over to check on the latest developments. Today was the big day! Heidi came back to get my camera and was kind enough to take several great photos of mother goose and her five new goslings. I wish I could have gone along to the pond, but I'm thankful for the wonderful pictures Heidi took. Aren't they cute?
Sunday, April 12, 2009
He Has Risen!
This passage of scripture fills my heart with joy! Imagine being with the women who were the first to arrive at Jesus' tomb, find it empty, be informed that he had risen from the dead, and then meet Jesus face to face after leaving the empty tomb. In the culture at that time, women were often considered second-class citizens, but Jesus never thought of women in that way. He valued women and welcomed their presence as they followed him. Women were the first to appear at the empty tomb and the first to see him after his resurrection.
Many women today struggle with low self-worth. We battle a variety of fears and insecurities. At times we may even feel like second-class citizens, but Jesus loves us. He cares for us and values us. He is right there with us through all of our insecurities and fears. He has risen! If we have accepted him as our Lord and Savior, we can rejoice that death was defeated on the cross and we have eternal life through him.
As we celebrate Easter today, I pray we will rejoice along with the women who found the tomb empty, and that we too would grasp the feet of Jesus and worship him.
Monday, April 6, 2009
A Gentle Spring Rain
You care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly. The streams of God are filled with water to provide the people with grain, for so you have ordained it. You drench its furrows and level its ridges; you soften it with showers and bless its crops. Psalm 65: 9-10
I woke up this morning to the gentle sound of a soft spring rain falling. There is something gentle and soothing about springtime rain. A peace and calmness enveloped me as I listened to the symphony of the raindrops falling on the blossoming April landscape. We had a rather dry winter in our area and the parched ground seemed to soak up the rain as quickly as it fell. Newly emerging Pansies, Tulips, and Daffodils stretched forth their necks drinking in the welcoming dew.
As I watched the thirsty ground drink in the nourishing rain, I was reminded that we can become spiritually parched and dry, which leads to unfruitful and mediocre living. Only when we allow our spiritual lives to be quenched with the living water of Jesus Christ, will we be able to enjoy fruitful and abundant lives. Way too often Christians settle for drab and boring lives. We go through the motions of daily living, barely existing, just getting by. We go to church on Sunday, barely able to stay awake because we live in the world’s fast lane all week, rushing from one activity to the next. We are worn out and weary from the cares of life. We have forgotten how to be still. There is so much more to the Christian life than just getting by! Jesus came so that we might have life and have it to the full. (John 10: 10)That sure doesn’t sound like a drab and boring life to me. Now this certainly doesn’t mean we won’t have problems and struggles in our lives; life is hard, but when we put Jesus first in our life and seek Him, we can live abundantly regardless of our circumstances.
Are you feeling parched, weary, and dry? Why not take some time to be still before Jesus. Cast your cares upon Him. Open His word and soak up the refreshing truth that will set you free. Bask in His love, and like the parched ground absorbing the gentle spring rain, allow Him to drench your spirit abundantly with His living water.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Matthew 6: 26
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Mother Goose
Spring has arrived here in the mountains and I'm loving every minute of it. Delicate flowers are poking out from the barren ground, and the mountain is shedding its brown winter wardrobe and sporting its new Spring-green attire. I see changes daily and new life is bursting forth everywhere. While walking by the pond this afternoon, I stumbled upon a mother goose on her nest. She quickly alerted me that I had invaded her territory! Each year the geese nest by the pond and it's always exciting to see the new babies when they are hatched. What a blessing it is to get up close and personal with God's awesome and amazing creation!
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Heavens Proclaim His Glory
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Walk By The Pond

I walked by the pond at dawn today,
allowing my cares to drift away.
I felt the caress of Your gentle breeze,
as it tickled the branches of nearby trees.
The warmth of Your sun softly kissed my face,
after Winter's chill, a welcome embrace.
The towering trees and the billowing clouds,
all shouted Your presence clear and loud.
Dandelions peeking out from the barren ground,
even in them Your beauty is found.
The geese honking loudly, "Spring is near!"
Little deer grazing, seeming to have no fear.
All these things do boldly declare,
the glory of Your presence everywhere.