Saturday, January 31, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
No Excuse
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Be Still and Pray
Over the past several weeks, I've grown discouraged by the limitations brought about by my recent health issues. I feel as if I'm not able to do much of anything, and pain and exhaustion seem to be my constant companions. I don't have the energy to keep up with the things I used to do, and doing the usual household work is a challenge most days. At times I become frustrated and wonder what I can actually do that won't bring on pain and more exhaustion. I watch other grandmothers taking their grandchildren places and spending time with them, and often wonder what is wrong with me. I was beginning to wonder if I was any good for anyone and I started to feel rather worthless.
After having a major pity party for myself the other day, I had a "light bulb" moment that I feel God impressed upon my heart. Though I'm limited physically and I can't do as much with my grandchildren as I would like to or do as much around the house as I once did, I am doing the most important thing of all; I am praying for my children and grandchildren daily, as well as holding other friends and family members up in prayer. Prayer takes time and what a wonderful privilege it is to hold others up in prayer, especially our grandchildren and children. They desperately need our prayers. We live in a time when spiritual warfare is increasing and our families are under incredible attacks from the enemy. As christian women we can impact our families in huge ways by praying for them. I've seen the power of prayer at work in my own family many times and I know it works!
Though physically I can't accomplish a lot, spiritually I can accomplish great things. Prayer is something we can do regardless of our health conditions. Even if we are flat on our backs in bed, we can be prayer warriors for our loved ones. I've heard many accounts of grandmothers and mothers who prayed and made an impact on their families. Some of them didn't even live to see their prayers answered, but the answers did come later on. A speaker I was listening to recently told a story about his praying grandmother. He was always in trouble as a child and everyone had given up on him, but his grandmother always reminded him that she was praying for him. He grew up and was still getting in trouble as a young adult. His grandmother didn't lose heart. She faithfully prayed and let him know she was praying. Years later, after she has passed away, he was driving home one night and couldn't stop thinking about his grandmother and how she always reminded him she was praying for him. He felt led to find a church and start going. Soon after, he dedicated his life to the Lord and later started working in ministry. He said he was so thankful that he had a grandmother who prayed.
I'm slowly learning to accept my physical limitations as blessings. God is showing me repeatedly that this is a season to be still and know Him. It is a season to slow down and focus on that which is most important of all. It's a season that gives me the privilege of holding up before His throne of grace those dearest to me, my children and grandchildren. I have a small photo album that I keep in my quiet time basket. It holds photos of each of my children and grandchildren. I like to spread it out before the Lord as I pray for each one of them daily, just as Hezekiah spread out the letter from the messengers in 2 Kings 19: 14-15.
I've already seen many answers to prayers within my own family in the past. Some remain unanswered and that is okay too. I know in God's perfect timing He will work all things out according to his will. I need not be concerned about when the answers will come. I simply need to keep praying for my loved ones and cherish this new season of life; a season filled with spiritual blessings brought about through the power of prayer.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A View From My Window

Frigid air has settled over my mountain nest and the ground was dusted with a blanket of white when I woke up this morning. It was a day I felt incredibly blessed to be tucked away in my cozy mountain home and for the toasty heat from the old black wood stove. It was the perfect day for indulging in steaming cups of tea, watching the birds outside my window while wrapped up snugly in an old quilt, and pondering the beauty of God's creation.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Quiet Time Basket
Part of the commitment to following the First Place 4 Health program that I've been involved with over the past 7 years is to establish a daily quiet time consisting of prayer, scripture reading, scripture memory, and Bible study. This daily practice has been life changing for me! Before I became involved with First Place, I was mostly a Sunday-only christian. I went to church and prayed during the week, but often did not open my Bible from one Sunday to the next. By doing so I was robbing myself of the blessing of an intimate relationship with Christ.
When I first started having a daily devotional time, I started a "quiet time" basket and placed it in my home office as a visual reminder not to neglect my quiet time each day. I purchased an inexpensive basket at our local craft store. It holds my Bible, Bible study book, a hymnal, journal, a pack of different colored gel pens, highlighters, a small pack of tissues, and a small photo book that I use during my prayer time that contains pictures of my husband, children, their spouses, the grandchildren, and my dad. (I'll share more about this in a future post) It helps to have everything I need in one place, and it serves as a reminder not to neglect my time with God each day. It allows for portability if I decide to have my quiet time downstairs while watching the birds outside or in the summer months when I often have my quiet time outside in the back yard.
My prayer is that all of us will strive to become women of the word and women of prayer. Setting aside time each day for God must become a priority if we are to be women who make a difference in the world to the glory of our Heavenly Father. A daily quiet time is life-changing!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Quilting Therapy
"Hands to work, hearts to God" was a saying I heard frequently during my childhood. My mom and grandmother also used to say, "Busy hands are happy hands." I never really thought much about those sayings when I was a child, but now that I'm older I can certainly appreciate the meaning of them. Especially, since I've been battling a severe case of "cabin fever" lately; the cold temperatures keeping me housebound more than usual.
My niece, Jessica, called me last night to ask some advice on home decorating fabrics. We were online looking at fabric when I suddenly realized how much I missed sewing! I felt a renewed excitement seeing all the new fabric designs and colors. I realized it had been ages since I worked on any crafts. Sewing was good therapy in the past when I was dealing with "cabin fever," so I figured I could use a little "quilt therapy" and spent time today sifting through my fabric stash and unfinished projects. I was so thankful for Jessica's phone call, because it made me aware of what I've been missing. There's just something soothing about working with fabric to create a beautiful design that is good for whatever ails you!
Winter is far from over, and that is okay. I hope to enjoy many"quilting therapy" sessions in front of the window while I watch the birds flitting about at my feeders outside. With my mind focused on God's rich blessings and my hands busy quilting, I can survive the worst case of "cabin fever. Hands to work, hearts to God.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Winter Beauty
Monday, January 5, 2009
My Strength
Mounted up as on eagles wings,
I soar above the trials life brings,
flying beyond all worry and care,
I sense God's presence everywhere.
His love so real, His love so true,
His mercies each morning fresh and new,
beneath His wings I safely reside,
sheltered from harm on every side.
Abiding in Him I'll never be weak,
for His strength and power I daily seek,
on His word and promises I firmly stand,
knowing nothing can snatch me from His hand.
I don't deserve His amazing grace,
or to rest eternally in His heavenly place,
but still he chose me and set me apart,
to grasp the thought just thrills my heart.
Friday, January 2, 2009
A Year With No Regrets

The start of a new year is often filled with excitement, and we entertain thoughts of how different this year is going to be and how we are going to change our lives for the better. We start out filled with hope and good intentions only to find things unchanged at the end of the year.
Making resolutions is easy, but keeping them is another story. As I look back over my own past I remember making new years resolutions every year, and most of the time I never made it through the first week keeping them. Often I never even made it to the end of the first day! Most of us desire to change, but yet we continue on exactly as we are. Pretty soon days turn to weeks and weeks to months and another year passes. If we aren't careful our life will pass by in a flurry of activity, and the gifts and talents God gave us to use for His glory will never bear fruit.
If we profess to be Christian women, then we need to be concerned first and foremost about our spiritual growth. We live in a time when shallow faith abounds everywhere we turn. Lets choose to make 2009 a year of spiritual renewal and growth. Lets take a stand for biblical truth and stop being women who are tossed about and led astray by all the worldly attractions that leave us feeling empty and stunt our spiritual growth. We need to get back to being women who fear the Lord and live our lives for His glory.
We can resolve to be women who fear the Lord and walk in His ways. We can't do it on our own, but when we surrender our lives to Him and allow Him to guide our footsteps we can rest assured that we are headed in the right direction in the new year and in every year to come. We can be strong women, even though our bodies may feel weak and weary, because He is our strength. We need not fear darkness, because He is the light. He will set us free from any habits that enslave us, because He is our deliverer. He is our comforter, the one who wipes away our tears in the night. We need not fear anything, because his everlasting arms surround us, shelter us, and protect us. In moments of weakness his grace is always sufficient, and He provides a way out of every temptation that comes our way.
We can change for the better in the coming year if we surrender our lives to Him and seek to follow Him each day. We can have a year that is fruitful and productive; a year filled with the blessings that comes from obedience to His word; a year filled with spiritual growth; a year with no regrets. The choice is ours to make.
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