Monday, May 24, 2010

Only One Thing is Needed

"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her. Luke 10: 41-42. 

The story of Martha and Mary was one I desperately needed to be reminded of during my morning devotional time. Too often I find myself rushing about worried and upset over many things. I'm not alone. Most of the women I know have Martha personalities. 

Martha had opened her home to Jesus and his disciples. She obviously had a servant's heart and the gift of hospitality, but she became so busy and distracted by all the preparations that had to be made that she grew irritable and resentful of her sister, Mary, who instead of helping her was sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to what he was saying. We see this clearly in the following passage of scripture: 

"But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" Luke 10: 40.

I find being distracted to be a huge problem for many women today, myself included. We get distracted by what seems so urgent but really isn't, and it's those things that keep us from doing what truly is important. We are admired if our days are full and busy. We are seen as strong women if we can multitask and juggle many roles. We tend to take on much more than we can handle, and then find ourselves stressed out and irritable. Like Martha, we become resentful when we feel overwhelmed and nobody is helping us. Often what we are stressed out about is the chaos that we created by taking on more than we can handle, and  never allowing ourselves any time to rest and sit and listen to what Jesus is saying to us. 

Schedules that are overflowing allow no time for what is truly important. We must remember that Jesus said only one thing is needed. What is that one thing? Time spent with Him. Time listening to Him speak to us through His word. Time to seek Him. When our life comes to an end here on this earth the only thing that will matter is our relationship with Jesus. Do we truly know Him? Are we taking time to listen to what He is teaching us? Do we apply His teaching to our everyday lives? Do our daily schedules reflect that He is first in our life, or do our schedules reveal days running over with a flurry of activity with no mention of Jesus? Are we allowing ourselves time to rest in His presence? When we find ourselves rushing about, distracted by many preparations, upset, and worried, I pray we will all remember clearly the words of Jesus: "only one thing is needed."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Shifting Seasons

 God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Psalms 46: 1-3

How quickly seasons shift and change. It seems like yesterday I was surrounded by snow drifts wondering if Spring would ever arrive. Just weeks later I was greeted by the welcome sight of tulips poking their colorful heads out from the snow drenched ground. Soon the tranquil quietness of Winter's landscape was replaced with the sound of honking and squawking resounding through the woods as the geese arrived at the pond and once again began their seasonal ritual of mating and preparing  nesting sites. The transition was abrupt as Winter faded away and Spring slipped in to take its place.

As Spring arrived on the scene to replace Winter, a new season in my personal life slipped in to replace the previous season when I was least expecting it. I had finally grown accustomed to the empty nest when I was forced into yet another new season; my husband of 34 years has left and wants a divorce. I did not choose this season, but nonetheless it is one I must endure. I've also started a new job working outside the home. This is a huge change also since I've spent most of my married life raising the four children and working from home. I am thankful that God supplied the perfect job for me in His perfect timing, exactly when I needed it and with great health benefits to go with it. I'm truly blessed. I do not know what the future holds but I know who holds it. I have absolutely no doubt that God will supply every need that I have.  I will trust in his promises and provision. 

As I grow older I realize that one should never grow too comfortable in any season we are in, because we can be sure of one thing...seasons always change. In many ways this new season will be by far the most challenging one I have faced so far in my life, but I am thankful for my faith in God which has never once failed to sustain me through the storms of life. He is faithful. He will always be with me.

Just as certainly as Spring will soon fade away ushering in the sweltering days of the Summer season, I know my personal life will be filled with new seasons as well and that some seasons will be more welcome than others. Life truly is ever changing. In an uncertain world, we can rest assured that while seasons will continue to shift and change God will always be with us, and He never changes.

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