Monday, August 4, 2008

A Place of Quiet Rest

I took several hours Sunday afternoon just to sit by our pond and relax in my favorite quiet-time spot. There is something about being outside surrounded by nature that is so refreshing! The smell of the mountain air, the subtle summer breeze against my face, the sound of the water trickling in the creek nearby, and the singing of the birds all seemed to soothe my tired and weary body. I was amazed at how many sounds of nature I heard while sitting there; sounds I normally don’t hear amidst the noise of everyday living. I left feeling as if I had been on a mini vacation. I felt renewed!

This made me think about how our relationship with God is like that. In the busyness of everyday life, we rush through our day running from one place to another in a flurry of noisy activity. As a result, we fail to hear God. If we are to hear His voice, we must learn to be still before Him. We must choose to set aside a time for prayer and to read His word; time to be still and know Him.

Had I sat by the pond for only a brief moment, I doubt I would have felt very refreshed. It’s the same with our quiet time with God. It takes time to sit in the stillness and listen as He speaks to us through his word. When we take the time to pause and be still before Him, we will come away feeling refreshed and renewed.

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

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