Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Writers Prayer

"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your masters happiness!' Matthew 25: 21

A Writers Prayer

Lord, I praise you and thank you for blessing me with the gift of writing. I know that in my own strength I can do nothing, but with you all things are possible. It is only by your grace that I am your child, and only by your grace that my writing will ever be used for your glory.

Lord, help me never to forget that I need to make time to sit at your feet daily. At your feet and in your presence is where I will find the greatest inspiration for writing. There is no substitute for studying your word and seeking your truth. While books on writing, writing courses, and classes can be helpful, nothing will ever compare to the time I spend alone with you. In the midst of daily distractions and busy seasons of life, teach me to be still and know you. Only when I spend time in your presence will others be able to see your reflection shining through the words I write.

I pray I will never forget that the ability to write is a gift to be used for your glory, not my own. It is not for the purpose of seeing my name on the cover of a book or listed in a magazine, but for the purpose of seeing you lifted up, exalted, and glorified. Help me never to become prideful or draw attention to myself. I pray that through my writing others will be drawn to you and desire to know you.

Help me to overcome my fears and doubts and to step out of my comfort zone. Remind me that I have nothing to fear and that you already know the plans and the purpose you have for the words I write. I simply need to trust in you, step out in faith, and write. Help me to use this gift of writing wisely. Remind me not to put it off until tomorrow, for I am not guaranteed how long I have here on this earth to do your work.

Help me to take seriously the stewardship of this gift you have entrusted into my care. Remind me that being a writer is a calling and a ministry, and that I need to pursue my calling with diligence. Lord, help me to by your faithful servant; then when my life here on this earth is over and I am welcomed into your presence, I will hear you say, "Well done, good and faithful servant!."

In Jesus' name, Amen.

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