Monday, February 2, 2009

Winter Sunset bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor. Isaiah 61: 3

Ice storms kept us hunkered down in the nest last week making it difficult to walk outside without falling, but I won't complain since it did make for some ideal birding from my kitchen window. I enjoyed watching the colorful birds as they scurried about on the ice-topped snow.Though winter can be rather drab and dreary at times, it also holds a beauty of its own. While driving back from the grocery store the other evening, I grew distracted by the countryside all dressed up in it's finest snowy attire. I took the scenic route home intent on capturing some great winter photos. I wasn't disappointed, as I was treated to a beautiful winter sunset complete with pink and lavender clouds that were mirrored in the glistening white snow; just one more confirmation of how awesome God's creation truly is.

I'm thankful we live in an area that experiences the changing seasons. While winter is my least favorite season, I know that eventually it will usher in spring with its abundance of colorful flowers and colorful birds. Our spiritual life is often like that. We go through dreary seasons of hardships and difficulties, but eventually a season of renewal and beauty follows. God brings beauty from ashes, just like he frosts the dreary winter landscape with an icy crust of pure white snow and the brilliance of a pink and lavender sunset.

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