Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Quiet Time Basket

I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word. Psalm 119: 16

Part of the commitment to following the First Place 4 Health program that I've been involved with over the past 7 years is to establish a daily quiet time consisting of prayer, scripture reading, scripture memory, and Bible study. This daily practice has been life changing for me! Before I became involved with First Place, I was mostly a Sunday-only christian. I went to church and prayed during the week, but often did not open my Bible from one Sunday to the next. By doing so I was robbing myself of the blessing of an intimate relationship with Christ.

When I first started having a daily devotional time, I started a "quiet time" basket and placed it in my home office as a visual reminder not to neglect my quiet time each day. I purchased an inexpensive basket at our local craft store. It holds my Bible, Bible study book, a hymnal, journal, a pack of different colored gel pens, highlighters, a small pack of tissues, and a small photo book that I use during my prayer time that contains pictures of my husband, children, their spouses, the grandchildren, and my dad. (I'll share more about this in a future post) It helps to have everything I need in one place, and it serves as a reminder not to neglect my time with God each day. It allows for portability if I decide to have my quiet time downstairs while watching the birds outside or in the summer months when I often have my quiet time outside in the back yard.

My prayer is that all of us will strive to become women of the word and women of prayer. Setting aside time each day for God must become a priority if we are to be women who make a difference in the world to the glory of our Heavenly Father. A daily quiet time is life-changing!

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